Welcome to Hoboken Warriors Lacrosse Club!
Welcome to the Hoboken Lacrosse Club homepage.
Our 2024 season is over and was a wonderful success! Thanks to all these amazing volunteer coaches who are coaching the game, but also coaching the whole child, as we hold sportsmanship, teamwork, and respect for the game as core to how we approach each practice and game.
The growing interest in lacrosse in Hoboken is most welcome, but the challenges of field time remains. With other sports playing year round (regardless of how negatively this impacts kids developmentally) and eating up all field time, we are forced to limit the size of our program accordingly or the instructional experience for the kids suffers greatly. We have learned this through trial and error.
We will be holding 2 tryout dates in the fall, with dates to be published after Labor Day. All players (brand new or returning players who played for Hoboken Lacrosse in the spring of 2024) MUST tryout.
Decisions will be made using multiple criteria, including coach-ability, attitude, attentiveness, athleticism and hustle. Team commitment, attitude, and degree of participation of returning players will also be considered.
For kids new to the game we encourage them to get started with lacrosse via the Hoboken Recreation Departments spring clinics.
For parents interested in making lacrosse fit in your child's schedule, below is the schedule we've been following for the last 12 years. We begin our season in early March, and end the first weekend after Memorial Day.
- Girls practices are Tuesdays, 7 to 9pm on NWRP.
- Boys practices are Thursdays, 7 to 9pm on NWRP.
- Additional practices may be added as we experiment with field availability on Wednesdays and Fridays.
- Games are on 1600 Park unless we travel to local communities.
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